hello people!
As usual, bile ade mood baru nk update blog. cit kan? haha..eh mmgla, dulu masa aku blajar pun cmtuh, ade mood , bru boleh stdy. Serious!
Urm, sebenarnya sje nk share pe bende yang aku buat seminggu 2 lepas..
kalo nk tau, it takes 4-5 month aku serious nk apply mane2 kje sbb almaklumla org dok hostel sejak kecik, and bile dh abis belajar, pe lagi kan, cuti la panjang2~ weee
so, dlm tempoh 3-4 bulan kebelakangan ni asik pegi interview jek..byk da dpt..i mean, interview~ astro, shipping, property,education pn ade..tapi mungkin xdek rezeki kan..xpe, i didnt understand the word "give up", so its not a problem for me. and nk share kat sini sedikit tips utk org2 yang bakal ke interview or yg dh berkali2 interview..be yourself, and you need to be cheat sometimes, BUT you need to responsible on it later laa ! haha..aku mungkin akan menggunakan CHEAT SKILLS aku bile idea zuppp ilang ngn tetibe..
and most important, jgn la dtg dengan kepale kosong..at least make a research on internet la deyy..so, xdekla korang dipandang rendah..kan2~carila tips2 soklan feymes dlm interview, the ways to respond politely, and boleh jugak tny kawan2 yang dh byk kali kne interview rite? Google jek..sume ade...
and satu lagi aku selalu x phm, time dlm interview, knpe org nk kne slalu ade kete..i mean, yeah, mmg la senang utk ke mana2, tapi cube fikir for those yg susah, xdek lesen, xdek duit nk buat lesen eg. AKU,dengan pekerjaan la nk kumpul duit beli kete, tp nk suh ade sebelum keje lagi..halooo? not everyperson got same shoes laa...ada faham kaaa..huh~ tired thinking bout it.
ha! ONE more thing, BUILD A CONFIDENCE ON YOUR ENGLISH LEVEL. seriously! for those yg ade level degree la kan..nak xnak korang kne ckp omputih gak..betul..xpela kalo korang gagap2 cam aku, at least korang kne confidence la..jgn takutla..bukan sume org ckp ngn grammar yang perfect 100%..cube kalo korang dgr betul sape2 yang ckp, ade jgk yg salahnye..dats y omputih ckp, PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT..
and most important, jgn la dtg dengan kepale kosong..at least make a research on internet la deyy..so, xdekla korang dipandang rendah..kan2~carila tips2 soklan feymes dlm interview, the ways to respond politely, and boleh jugak tny kawan2 yang dh byk kali kne interview rite? Google jek..sume ade...
and satu lagi aku selalu x phm, time dlm interview, knpe org nk kne slalu ade kete..i mean, yeah, mmg la senang utk ke mana2, tapi cube fikir for those yg susah, xdek lesen, xdek duit nk buat lesen eg. AKU,dengan pekerjaan la nk kumpul duit beli kete, tp nk suh ade sebelum keje lagi..halooo? not everyperson got same shoes laa...ada faham kaaa..huh~ tired thinking bout it.
ha! ONE more thing, BUILD A CONFIDENCE ON YOUR ENGLISH LEVEL. seriously! for those yg ade level degree la kan..nak xnak korang kne ckp omputih gak..betul..xpela kalo korang gagap2 cam aku, at least korang kne confidence la..jgn takutla..bukan sume org ckp ngn grammar yang perfect 100%..cube kalo korang dgr betul sape2 yang ckp, ade jgk yg salahnye..dats y omputih ckp, PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT..
dulu (citer pulakkk) ,aku penah join english class utk sape2 la kan kat kuantan, kelas ni die mmg ajar kite ckp, tp, die lebeh kpd mcm debate and all that..Then satu hari ni, aku realized, ENGLISH IS ALL ABOUT PRACTICE..bile masuk UM pun cmtu, aku de masuk kelas speaking, and tiap2 mggu kne ckp kat depan..yela mcm aku ckp,
Paham x kengkawan? -.-''
haa...bulan ni mcm enjoy jek tgk movie..2 hari berturut2 pegi tg movie..and the movies are :
haa...ini cite yg mmg wajib korang tgkla..action die, superbbb!!! jalan cite pun ok..overall aku paling suke dengan kecanggihan cerita la...effect die..sesuatu yg x penah kite pk la..
and lagi satu cite toy story..toy story ni aku tgk siri 1 dan 2..die tayangan 3D..die tayang 2 skali gus..wahh..3 jam tuh aku tengok..seronokla jugak..1st time kan tgk 3D..mmg real betul..kne pakai spek mata la..adoii leceh betul..mcm mane la org yg pkai spek..mesti x selesa...yg kelakarnye, time g tgk tuh, bajet nk bwk anak sedara tgk..skali die ckp selalu tgk da cite ni..hahhaa..iyela for sure byk kali dh tayang kat cartoon network tuh..kite yang dewasa ni je x penah tgk..ade satu part tuh kan, part snow, kite rs cm snow tuh betol2 kat depan kite..rs mcm nk pegang..time tuh aku cover gile tgn ni supaya x terangkat..hehe..tp time tuh dgr la, org ckp "wooooo,waaaaa"agak2 nnti zaman akan dtg, cmne la agaknya..boleh grab agaknye kartun..hehehe
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