Sunday, October 9, 2011


I'm not wearing this outfit since such a long time. So whenever i think i A LIL BIT SLIM, i'm gonna wear it. Haha. So guys, what are you doing today, on Sunday? I have to be more careful on things, stuff or what during these two months. I don't want my sister to be worry about me. Yes, she is doing her haji right now. Lets pray for her and husband.

This pain is killing me right now. God, i have to be strong and tough. It appears nowhere. I don't know. I keep dreaming recently and i don't know what it meant. I just feel like the soul been fade away. I hate this kind of situation. Its feels like you want to ride that cool and fun roller-coaster, but you just can't. You just can see it without even dare to buy the ticket. YOU JUST CAN'T. It is a reason that everyone can't explained.


  1. sakit ngat ke ain...??? doesn't really understand what kind of pain you got..

  2. ..dh agak dh disebabkn dh lame xrase, xtau cmne rsnye..huhu..
