Saturday, October 19, 2013


Funny when it comes to old memories. Memories that keeping my heart and mind fluctuated. 

Funny when I thought he is the one for me.

Funny I thought that we gonna live together, like ever after.

Funny when I remember that he said to me, that he loves me thousand times then one day he stopped saying that.

Funny when I remember, that I cried almost everyday after he treat me like I'm nobody.

Funny when I remember I've done every single thing to make him happy, and I got nothing in reply. 

Funny when I remember I said, we should make this clear and it END.

Funny when I thought I'm about to forget things easily, but instead not.

And it's not funny, I forgive all the things he did to me.

Allah, thank you :-) For giving me strengths. 

Friday, October 11, 2013


'Katakanlah (Muhammad), "Wahai hamba-hamba-Ku yang beriman! 
Bertakwalah kepada Tuhanmu." Bagi orang-orang yang berbuat baik di dunia ini 
akan memperoleh kebaikan. Dan bumi itu luas. Hanya orang-orang yang 
bersabarlah yang disempurnakan pahalanya tanpa batas.' 
(QS. Az-Zumar : 10)